6 Great Websites Offering Free Indoor Activities
We hope that you are all continuing to stay safe, in good health and adjusting to the great indoors.
To help you to keep your mind, body and soul in good stead we thought we’d share some cool websites we found offering some free activities for all the family.
From cooking to fitness, yoga to reading and more, there should be something in there to keep you and your little ones occupied. And if you have any ideas or sites you’d like to share with us for our community, we’d love to hear.

Family Home Workout
Joe Wicks, known as "The Body Coach", is a British fitness coach, TV presenter and author. During the worlds Coronavirus Pandemic lockdown, he began "P.E With Joe" on YouTube to try and help children stay active.
Learning Skills for Life
The Scout Association is the largest Scouting organisation in the United Kingdom. The association aims to provide "fun, adventure and skills for life and give young people the opportunity to enjoy new adventures and take part in a range of creative, community and international activities, interact with others, make new friends, gain confidence and have the opportunity to reach their full potential. https://www.scouts.org.uk/activities/
Easy Cooking
Andrew Rea is one part chef, one part filmmaker, and a generous dash of irreverent YouTube personality. Self-taught both behind and in front of the camera, his cooking show, Binging with Babish, is enjoyed by millions of burgeoning chefs and foodies around the globe.https://www.bingingwithbabish.com/#top
Books and Activities
If you’re looking for some exciting activities to keep boredom at bay, then you’ve definitely come to the right place! This is a treasure trove of fantastic activities, all inspired by David Walliams’ tremendous tales. Filled with all the wacky and wonderful characters in David Walliams' books, you can download any of these free activity sheets for hours of fun and learn at home!
Yoga, mindfulness and relaxation for kids.
Jaime Amor get kids into yoga and mindfulness early with her fun interactive adventures which build strength, balance and confidence.
Arckit Creative Activities
We’ve created some fun & free activities for all you budding Zaha Hadid's or Bjarke Ingels’ out there. Visit https://arckit.com/pages/creative-activities