Arckit has a strong following within architecture circles and amongst students and model hobbyists
Arckit has a strong following within architecture circles and amongst students and model hobbyists, but it has still remained relatively undiscovered … until recently. The Irish Times ran a feature at the beginning of the month describing Arckit as “sophisticated Lego” and since then word really seems to be spreading – Wired Magazine even approached us and asked to do a write-up (more on this soon)!
Retail listings from Singapore to Chicago
Our recent publicity, along with retail listings from Singapore to Chicago, has transformed Arckit from a specialist architecture design tool into a model kit with mainstream appeal. Far from alienating the existing Arckit community, those who discovered us right at the start have been our biggest supporters. So we thought we would take this opportunity to say thanks.
Giving the next generation of architects a platform
And we wanted to do this by giving the next generation of architects a platform for showcasing their work. We are amazed by how creative and explorative people are being with Arckit after such a short period of time. On Twitter alone we have seen some fantastic Arckit models made by people with no previous model making experience.
Nathan Rutland, a model enthusiast with no previous architectural experience, has built some of the most exciting models we have seen so far, using our entry level Arckit retailing at just £89.00. We spotted these on Instagram (check them out here) and wanted to show everyone just what you can do with an Arckit 60!

Nathan has now upgraded to an Arckit 240 kit and we have set him the challenge of designing a different structure every week – anything from a dream home, tall building, split level kitchen and dining room, funky garden or anything else that inspires him. This is what he has come up with for week 1 … If you like what you see then you can visit his weekly blog.

“Not quite sure where the inspiration for this came, the idea was kind of to mix traditional brick style building with more modern rendered building and it went from there. Some features include an entrance hall, multiple rooms, and a loft space.”

We know that there are plenty of other people using Arckit to create stunning model structures, and we would really like to share your designs with the rest of our community. Please send photographs in by emailing or Tweet us @Arckitmodel.